MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

Handling Unique Assets in Prenups & Divorce: Collections

Episode Summary

Your run-of-the-mill prenuptial agreement and divorce often involves ordinary assets, such as real estate or retirement accounts, but what happens when not so ordinary assets are involved? How do you protect an interest in a closely held business? Do you need to read the trust instruments when generational wealth is involved? Can that baseball card collection really have that much value? Join our experts as we answer these questions and more.

Episode Notes

Melissa A. Levine-Piro, Esq., of Hera Law Group explain how unique assets like collections can be handled in prenuptial agreements, excerpted from MCLE's 11/29/2023 live webcast: Handling Unique Assets in Prenups & Divorce. The full program is available as an on-demand webcast or an MP3 here.  Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of related eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at and start your free trial today!