MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

Legal Framework: What Case Law Tells Us About the Impact of Good (and Not-So-Good) Investigation Practices

Episode Summary

When an employer receives a complaint of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or other workplace misconduct, its next steps are critical. Is an investigation warranted, and if so, what should it look like? The faculty discuss the benefits of prompt, thorough, and impartial assessments of workplace complaints, including a step-by-step review of sound investigation practices. Learn about circumstances when an outside investigation may be needed, how to map an appropriate investigation plan, and what common mistakes to avoid in the process.

Episode Notes

Kavita M. Goyal, Esq., of Rosen & Goyal, PC and Gregory A. Manousos, Esq., of Morgan, Brown & Joy LLP go into detail about how case law impacts workplace investigations, excerpted from MCLE's 10/18/2023 live webcast: Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations. The full program is available as an on-demand webcast or an MP3 here.  Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of related eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at and start your free trial today!