MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

Sentencing, Probation & Parole: DOC/HOC

Episode Summary

A representative from the Massachusetts Probation Service discusses the probation officer’s role at sentencing and how to leverage new programs and services in sentencing arguments, including an understanding of compliance credits. Highly experienced attorneys who work in the corrections system discuss the execution of sentences, particularly the computation of sentences, sentence deductions, parole eligibility, and jail credits. Finally, the chair of the Massachusetts Parole Board discusses parole decision making, the legal standard for parole, factors that make a candidate suitable, aspects of parole supervision, programming innovations, graduated sanctions, parole revocation hearings, medical parole, release to supervision, parole compliance credits, and the Parole Board’s role in the pardon, commutation, and termination process.

Episode Notes

Lee J. Gartenberg, Esq., of the Middlesex Sheriff's Office and Charles W. Anderson, Jr., Esq., of the Department of Corrections (DOC) discuss the probation officer’s role in sentencing and how to leverage new programs and services in sentencing arguments, excerpted from MCLE's 10/11/2023 live webcast: Sentencing, Probation & Parole. The full program is available as an on-demand webcast or an MP3 here.  Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of related eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at and start your free trial today!