MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

What Estate Planners Need to Know About Prenups

Episode Summary

Prenuptial agreements define spouses' rights in divorce or death and are crucial for estate planning. They're important for second marriages, older first-time marriages, high-risk jobs, family businesses, large inheritances, or differing statuses. These agreements minimize asset disputes. Similarly, cohabitation agreements, which set terms different from standard property co-ownership, are essential for estate planning. Estate planners must be proficient in both areas to protect clients' assets.

Episode Notes

Molly R. Soiffer, Esq, of Bove & Langa, PC, Christopher H. Suh, Esq., of The Wagner Law Group, and Claire K. Forkner, Esq., of Lee & Rivers LLP dive into what estate planners need to understand when dealing with prenuptial agreements, excerpted from MCLE's 11/6/2023 live webcast: What All Estate Planners Need to Know About Prenuptial & Cohabitation Agreements. The full program is available as an on-demand webcast or an MP3 here.  Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of related eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at and start your free trial today!