MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

What Happens if I Have to Change My Form of Entity?

Episode Summary

When circumstances change, so might the needs of a business—including its form of entity. This episode explores the critical considerations for transitioning between entity types, such as shifting from an LLC to a corporation to attract venture capital, restructuring to share equity, or addressing tax strategies for early losses. Gain insights into the key factors and drafting decisions that can guide clients through this complex process.

Episode Notes

Joshua E. French and Elizabeth S. Meyers of Nutter McClennen & Fish, discuss what to consider when faced with the possibility of changing form of entity for a business, excerpted from MCLE's 6/10/2024 live webcast: LLC v. Corporation Decision Tree & Drafting Tips. The full program is available as an on-demand webcast or an MP3 here.  Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of related eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at and start your free trial today!