MCLE ThisWeek Podcast

Why Choose an LLC

Episode Summary

Why choose an LLC? And what documents need to be prepared? Kelly Dutremble and Joshua French of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP provide answers and insight in this podcast, excerpted from MCLE’s 6/2/2021 live webcast on Organizing an LLC.

Episode Notes

Why choose an LLC? And what documents need to be prepared? Kelly Dutremble and Joshua French of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP provide answers and insight in this podcast, excerpted from MCLE’s 6/2/2021 live webcast on Organizing an LLC. The full program is available as an on demand webcast or an MP3 here. Get 24/7 instant access to hundreds of family law eLectures like this one—and more—with a subscription to the MCLE OnlinePass. Learn more at